4 Ways To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day On March 21


[This post has been updated for 2023]

March 21 is a very very special day… it’s World Down Syndrome Day! 💛💙

Every March 21 we celebrate the immense joy so many beautiful humans with Down syndrome bring into our world!

Why March 21? Well according to www.worlddownsyndromeday.org, “The date for WDSD being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.”

If you’re looking for a way to celebrate, a way to advocate for inclusion, or a way to teach your little ones about how inspiring and wonderful people of ALL abilities are, then this post is for you!

I will cover:

  • how to watch A live read-aloud of You Are Loved: A Book About Families

  • How to take the 3/21 pledge to help someone with down syndrome go to college

  • How to #ROCKYOURSOCKS to advocate for down syndrome

  • incredible Shops & products that support Down syndrome

(And psst >> Talking to your children about disabilities can be a tough and confusing topic. So if you’re feeling a little unsure, check out this post where I’m sharing 5 tips from special needs mama Sara England that will help facility this important conversation.)

Ready? Read on!



Watch the live read-aloud of You Are Loved: A Book About Families

Sofia Sanchez (@the.sofia.sanchez) is a model, actress, and Down syndrome self-advocate. She is doing a live read-aloud on Storyvoice of her empowering book, You Are Loved: A Book About Families.

Here is a little about the book from bookshop.org:

“From Down syndrome advocate and viral sensation Sofia Sanchez comes this beautiful and inclusive picture book about all the different ways to make a family.

Families come in many different shapes and forms -- but they all teach you how to be strong and show you how loved you are.

Alongside a sweet and simple narrative, the warm illustrations tell their own story. Beginning with Sofia Sanchez's adopted family, readers will meet families with two moms and two dads, families with single parents, and kids raised by grandparents, guardians, or older siblings. Big families, small families, extended families, blended families, and mixed race families -- including parents with their own differences that make them unique, too.

This heartwarming companion book to 2021's You Are Enough highlights the important message that families aren't just the people you live with. They include the people in your school, your community, and the people you choose who love you and empower you just the way you are.”


Margaret O'Hair (Author)

Sofia Sanchez (Author)

Sofia Cardoso (Illustrator)



Take the 3/21 Pledge to help someone with Down syndrome go to college

The 3/21 Pledge is a program developed by Ruby's Rainbow, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of adult students with Down syndrome by helping them achieve their dreams of higher education.

How can you take the 3/21 Pledge? It’s simple! CLICK HERE and follow these steps:

  1. Donate.

  2. Pledge to be kind to people of all abilities.

  3. Ask 3 friends to do the same.

By taking the pledge, you can help make the world a kinder and more compassionate place for people of all abilities and help students with Down syndrome go to college!



#RockYourSocks to support Down syndrome

On 3/21, wear your brightest, loudest, mismatched, crazy fun socks to highlight that everyone has their own different and colorful abilities!



Support shops & products that support Down syndrome

Here are a few of my favorites:


Alivia aims to give purpose and voice to the previously unheard, showcasing the many talents and abilities of people with disabilities — and pushing the fashion industry further towards inclusivity. Every Alivia piece begins with artwork created by an individual with a developmental disability while participating in art therapy. Each artist is paid for the use of their artwork and 10% of every purchase is donated to their associated nonprofit art therapy program.

The Spotlight Project

The Spotlight Project specializes in handcrafted bracelets… with an amazing mission.

The unemployment rate for adults with disabilities is 80%, and many of the jobs available do not offer a creative platform, promote growth, or give the individual a voice to speak. This led to the creation of The Spotlight Project. “We’re inspired to create a stage for our members to display their creative talents to the world.  We wish to give them the spotlight, give them a voice, and show society the greatness they can achieve. Each individual we employ is at the forefront of our brand. Every member of our team has an intellectual or developmental disability, and a unique story to tell.”

Bitty & Beau’s Coffee

As advocates for the value, acceptance, and inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, the Wrights have dedicated their lives to making the world a better place for their children and others living with disabilities. Bitty & Beau’s Coffee creates a path for people with disabilities to become more valued, accepted and included in every community.

Candidly Kind

Grace Key started candidly kind to spread light love and acceptance through her original art and life. Grace creates all the artwork and designs for all products.

Grace has used writing, drawing and painting throughout her life to express herself. When Grace had a desire to start her own fashion line, using her art and “catch phrases” was a perfect fit for the designs!

You shop, Grace gives! Grace has donated $48,000+ of profits and given hundreds of items to charity. All items are sourced in the USA from small businesses.

Downs & Towns

Houston Vandergriff is a photographer who has traveled far and wide and hopes his photographs will inspire others to live life to the fullest and with compassion. Houston has a simple vision with his photography: Make the world a better place.

Because of the low muscle tone from Down syndrome, his speech is sometimes difficult to understand. Through his photography, he is able to share his view of the world -- without actually saying a word. Houston inspires others, both inside and outside of the disability community. He is a strong self-advocate who uses the universal language of the arts to push for inclusion.



THANK YOU for taking the time to read this and for being an advocate for inclusion! YOU make this world a better place! 💛💙

xoxo Haylie

Psst… If you liked this post, check out:

💕 How To Talk To Your Kids About Disabilities

💕 24 Random Acts Of Kindness That Don't Cost Any Money

💕 5 Ways To Make Halloween Inclusive For Trick-Or-Treaters Of All Abilities