Ultimate 2023 Holiday Movies and TV Specials Guide


The 2023 Schwager Holiday TV Special Calendar is here! Every year, my friend Danielle Schwager puts together a color-coordinated calendar of holiday TV specials. This makes it extra easy to find the best specials (old and new) in one holly jolly place!

“I absolutely love this time of year.  The music, the lights, the snow – it all makes me happy.  In college, I started to create calendars for myself to keep track of my favorite holiday TV specials to give me something to look forward to during the end of the semester.  My friends wanted in on it, too, and it evolved into a tradition.  Every year, I create a color-coordinated calendar with all of my personal favorite holiday TV specials!” ~ Danielle

So get cozy, put on some holiday hits, and view the full calendar below or click here to download it as a PDF!

Thank you to Danielle for keeping this wonderful annual tradition alive!

Wishing you and yours a very merry holiday season,

XOXO Holly Jolly Haylie