6 Doggone Adorable Things Dogs Do To Show You Love

If you know me, you know dogs are my love language (and Starbucks, and Christmas, and Zac Efron… but, I digress…)

My pup Joey is my BFF, and every dang day I’m so dang grateful for how much love and joy he brings into my life! 🥰

Dogs are just the best, aren’t they?! Not only are they loyal and affectionate, but they also have an incredible ability to express their love for their owners. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the cute things dogs do to show you they love you. ❤

Tail Wagging

Okay, this one is pretty obvious… but one of the most well-known signs that a dog loves you is when they wag their tail. A wagging tail is a clear indication that your dog is happy to see you and is excited to spend time with you!

Dogs can communicate a lot with a simple tail wag, and different types of wags can convey different emotions. (How cute is that?!) For example, a slow wag might indicate relaxation, while a rapid wag or a “helicopter tail” might indicate excitement!

happy dog wagging tail at the lake after swimming

Bringing You Their Toys

When my pup Joey brings me his Pig (AKA his #1 FAVORITE toy) it melts my heart! I feel like he is saying:

“Here Mom, I love you so much so I’m giving you my Pig. It’s my favorite and it’s precious and you should have it!”

Dog bringing owner favorite toy

By bringing you their toys, dogs are showing that they trust you and want to play with you. (This behavior is especially common in breeds that were originally bred for hunting or retrieving, such as Labradors or Retrievers.)

Cuddling Up With You

Dogs are of course known for their love of physical affection, and one of the ways they show this is by cuddling! Whether they're lying on your lap or snuggling up next to you, dogs love to be close to their owners.

This behavior is not only cute but also has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in both dogs and humans. (BONUS!)

Dog in plaid bow tie snuggling in owners lap

Following You Around

If your dog follows you around the house, it's a sign that they love you and want to be near you. This behavior is especially common in dogs that are very attached to their owners. By following you around, your dog is also demonstrating their loyalty and devotion.

Dog looking around corner for owner

Licking You

While some people might find it gross, a dog licking you is actually a sign of affection. Dogs lick their owners as a way of showing love and affection, and it's also a way for them to get your attention. If your dog is licking you, it's a clear indication that they care about you.


Making Eye Contact

Finally, one of the cutest things that dogs do to show their love is to make eye contact with you. Dogs are social animals, and eye contact is an important way for them to communicate with humans. By looking into your eyes, your dog is demonstrating their trust in you and their desire to connect with you.

Dog staring at human to get them to wake up

Dogs have so many cute ways to express their love for their owners — from tail wagging to cuddling to licking your face!

By understanding these behaviors, you can deepen your relationship with your dog and show them the love and affection they deserve… because they are just the doggone best!

XOXO Haylie

Psst… fellow Dog Lover? Looking For More? Check Out:

🐕 19 Pawsome Ways To Include Your Dog In Your Wedding

🐕 Pawsitive Ways Pets Can Improve Your Health And Boost Your Mood

Sourced from: OpenAI (2023) and credible pet resources